4-Week Vegan Get Healthy Group Coaching Program
Helping You to Your Best Health Is My Mission!
Are you tired of diet after diet after diet only to lose the weight and then gain it all back and some?
Do you feel like something is out of alignment in the way you eat and what your highest values are… including your love of animals?
Ready to feel great, have more vitality, and live life to the fullest.
If you said YES! then you're ready for my 4-Week VEGAN GET HEALTHY GROUP COACHING PROGRAM.
I’m LINDA MIDDLESWORTH and I want to help you become your healthiest, learn how to be your healthiest, and stay your healthiest!
Whether you're vegan already and living a plant-based lifestyle or you are anywhere on your journey, this program is for you, especially if you want to learn and have support around how to:
Eat healthier. Vegans aren't always the healthiest eaters and are unfamiliar with the value of plant-based eating.
Loose weight fast and keep it off. If it's 10 lbs or 110 lbs, there is a surefire way to drop the weight and keep it off and be your healthiest self.
Drop medications you don't want to be on. Your doctor may have told you that you'll be on medication for the rest of your life. I'm here to tell you, that might now be the truth. Don't settle. Let's explore your alternatives.
Clear up ailments you don't even know why you have them, because you're vegan or just can't get answers. There is a solution to get to the source.
Learn what it means to live a whole food, plant-based diet and lifestyle. Understand the 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine and why change to this lifestyle has such great benefits.
This is a very unique program that is limited on the number of people who can join in. Here are a few details:
Limited to 10 participants
1. You will set specific goals for each week and we review them discussing your progress.
2. We meet weekly via Zoom in a sacred supportive space where we all can share and feel safe.
3. You receive a program guide that includes:
a recommended video list,
a book list,
a list of foods to eat and not eat and we talk about why,
easy, tasty recipes,
group guidelines so we are in alignment with the goals of the group, and
a food journal.
4. Weekly we review your challenges to provide you with support.
5. We will celebrate your successes and encourage each other to keep going.
6. Each session includes LOVE SEAT COACHING time where we can talk about your specific challenge and I'll coach you. When I coach you, all the other members will get the benefit of the coaching that can be helpful to them as well.
7. At the end of each session we have Q&A time where you can ask me specific questions about what you may need help with.
I don't know about you, but I've been a part of some group coaching programs that didn't give this much attention to members and that's another reason, I wanted the program to be limited to only 10 people.
This creates the closeness and connection between the members and it gives us the chance to be supportive of each other and to receive the support we all deserve.
Get Healthy Group
Meets weekly at 6 p.m. Pacific for one-hour
ONLY $97 per person
Invest in becoming your healthiest for the rest of your life!
REGISTER TODAY to Reserve Your Spot!
MEET Linda Middlesworth
Linda Middlesworth is the founder and vegan guru behind VeganMentor. She helps people lose weight and find optimal health by teaching them to eat a “healthy” whole foods, low fat, oil free, plant diet. She loves educating the world about the plight of the voiceless animals and will fight for them until they are all free.
Linda is a Food for Life nutrition and cooking instructor for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine who helps others through vegan advocacy groups by organizing demonstrations and rescuing animals.
Linda has folks talking about her! See what these adoring fans are says:
Linda’s coaching has changed my life. She takes time to know her clients and Linda found wonderful recipes which are easy to make and taste wonderful. Linda kept telling me my taste buds would change but I didn’t believe her. My taste buds have changed. It hasn’t been easy but it has been successful. So, for I have lost 27 pounds and my RA has much less swelling. Linda cares and wants to help. She’s the real deal!
- Eileen Y.
You praised participants in your Heart Heathy aerobics class for coming, as we would be strengthening our muscles. But, you added, this is not for losing weight. What???!? I almost dropped the hand weights I struggled to lift… that’s the only reason I was there. See me after class, you added. I fairly ran over to you after dropping off my weights and you said, “It’s all about the food and you can reverse diabetes.” You told me to do two things:
First watch a movie on Netflix called Forks Over Knives
Then, order a book on Amazon called “The Starch Solution” by John McDougall.
I did both and I was hooked. The other most helpful tip was to keep a baggie of bite-sized cooked potatoes with me at all times. It filled me up and curbed any temptations that came my way. I’m so grateful to you for changing my life forever. I couldn’t be happier eating yummy plants.
- Margie B.
Here is what you have in store during the 4 weeks of your group program:
WEEK 1 - Introductions, Food Journal, Books, Videos, Recipes
WEEK 2 - Training, Review Challenges & Successes, Celebrations, Love Seat Coaching, Assignment for Next Week
WEEK 3 - Training, Review Challenges & Successes, Celebrations, Love Seat Coaching, Assignment for Next Week
WEEK 4 - Training, Review Challenges & Successes, Love Seat Coaching, Moving Forward, Celebrations
When you complete these 4 weeks, you will be well equipped to continue your health journey with success.