Linda Middlesworth is on a mission. As the founder and guru behind VeganMentor, Linda helps people understand the connection between what they eat, their health, compassion to animals and care of the environment.
She helps her clients lose weight and find optimal health by teaching them to eat a “healthy” whole foods, low fat, oil free, plant diet. She loves educating the world about the plight of the voiceless animals and will fight for them until they are all free.
Linda is a Food for Life nutrition and cooking instructor for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine who helps others through vegan advocacy groups by organizing demonstrations and rescuing animals. She is Certified by Dr. John McDougall in The Starch Solution, by Dr. Neal Barnard, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine/Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking Instructor, by T. Colin Campbell eCornell in Plant Nutrition and is an Affiliate Member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Are you tired of feeling trapped by emotional eating? Do you find yourself reaching for unhealthy foods as a way to cope with stress, sadness, or anxiety? If so, you're not alone.
Emotional eating has become a prevalent coping mechanism in our modern society, and it can have devastating effects on our physical and emotional well-being. Introducing Linda Middlesworth, The VeganMentor’s newest e-book: Mindful Bites: Unraveling Emotional Eating
Your guide to a vibrant vegan lifestyle.
Join Linda Middlesworth, expert in the WFPB Lifestyle Movement, in her next Group Coaching Program:
Improve Your Health and Improve the Health of the Planet!
30 Day Vegan Health Watch
Learn how detoxing from meat can help heal your gut, sharpen your mind, and improve the quality of your skin. We'll use simple, plant-based ingredients to effectively eliminate toxins and waste from the body, and enhance immunity. Lose weight if needed by eating a whole foods, plant based, oil free diet.
Long Term Health Monitoring
With both 3 and 6 month options available, learn how to eat clean, live clean, and avoid toxins to improve your health. We'll use simple, plant-based ingredients to effectively eliminate toxins and waste from the body, and enhance immunity. We'll create healthy eating habits that will last you a lifetime.
Diet and Nutrition Guidance
While cliché, it's true that "we are what we eat." We are the animals that we ate. The compounds we absorb by plants effect our body composition. We'll learn how to avoid pesticides in produce, avoid processed foods, and even avoid chemicals in household products and toiletries.

Speaking Engagements
Linda speaks at community and professional gatherings on a regular basis on vegan nutrition, and health topics. Each presentation is engaging and empowering, with the most up-to-date information on vegan nutrition and health as it relates to the audience. She also speaks on the topic of compassion towards self, the animals, and the environment. Her animal activism speaks volumes to the level of compassion she holds for the wellbeing of animals and the environment.
“When I see bacon, I see a pig, I see a little friend, and that’s why I can’t eat it. Simple as that.”