WellBEing Resource

What is that you do here in the community?

I teach nutrition and cooking classes (Food for Life Nutrition & Cooking Instructor, Physician’s Committee), organize speaker events and vegan social gatherings (Organizer of Sacramento Vegan Society and Sacramento Animal Rights Group), guide clients through a 30-Day Vegan Health Watch online program, offer personal training (Certified Personal Trainer), and teach aerobics classes.

What lead you to sharing these various offerings?

I was once a fat aerobic instructor with cancer and heart disease and started studying nutrition from all the great prevention doctors. After going to a healthy, plant based diet, I lost 35 lbs. But, I did not lose the last 15 lbs. until I took out all the added oils in my diet. I lost 45 total lbs. after following Dr. John McDougall’s Starch Solution. I had only one radiation treatment, but refused to have my thyroid removed. My heart disease disappeared and my cancer no longer exists. Once I found out about how animals (raised for food) are treated and killed, I wanted to help stop this animal holocaust.

What do you love most about what you do?

Helping people lose weight and/or find optimal health by teaching them to eat a “healthy” whole foods, low fat, oil free, plant based diet. I love educating the world about the plight of the voiceless animals and will fight for them until they are all free.

Who inspires you?

Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Garth Davis, Dr. Joel Kahn, Dr. Ernie Bodhai, Dr. Andrew Klonecke, Dr. Don Forrester, Dr. Rajiv Misquitta, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Dr. Joseph Keon, Dr. Pam Popper, Dr. Janice Stanger, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Doug Lisle, Chef AJ, John Pierre, Julieanna Hever, and Lani Muelrath are my top health experts who inspire me the most.

For animal welfare, Philip Wollen, Gary Yourofsky, Dr. Will Tuttle, Melanie Joy, Colleen Patrick Goudreau, and Robert Grillo are my top animal advocates.

What are you looking forward to in the future?

My goal is to have a Wellness Center where people can come during the day for Cooking, Exercise, and Doctor based bio med monitoring.

Why do you like being a part of WellBEing Resource?  

I like being in such a great resource, easily given to all my clients and future clients. The graphics are gorgeous, and the purpose of WellBEing is for well being, which is my top goal, too.

Original article may be found here.
